Monday, August 9, 2010

Money is tight.... Lets go to Spain!

First off, I am sorry for my lack of blogging (for those two people who care).  I am enjoying my freedom before hitting the books in the fall.  I am loving the time I have and I get very worked up when I blog, so I figured I would let my blood pressure come down before I start again.

So I really enjoyed hearing about Michelle Obama taking her 9,742 friends, body guards and children to Spain, for a get-away.  I can see she is too stressed, and needs a quick vacation with everyone from Chicago.  Where does she get off thinking she can spend 700 thousand dollars on her and her friends.  WE ARE IN A RECESSION DAMMIT.  The jobs your husband created are all milking from the same cow.  But I guess they are paying 60 percent of it back with their taxes...

By now you are aware I am fond of sarcasm, it proves my point quite well.  The Obama family and his administration are getting away with a lot.  By the way, what ever happened to the Obama Bribery thing?  Did it get pushed under the rug with everything else?  I have been away for too long.  I need to keep my two readers informed and pissed off.  Well until next time, keep flipping of the Obama sticker cars.
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