Our second amendment right is constantly bashed in the state of California; moreover, it is the target for many progressives throughout the county. Main arguments for abolishing the second amendment, are focused on the safety provided when citizens are without firepower. Everyone will live in harmony and the world will magically be free of gangs, violence, rape, home invasions, and progressives. Everyone will eat rainbows and poop butterflies; "crazy" conservatives will no longer be free to shoot everything.
In 1928, German law was changed to register all fire arms to the government in an attempt to stop gang and violent activity. The registration of gun owners was prompt and immediate, building a long list of citizens willing to protect themselves. Nazi Germany acquired this registration in 1938 when they abolished gun rights to Jews and untrusted citizens. The rest, is painful history.
I know history doesn't repeat itself and our situation won't be anything like Nazi Germany; we are different and we just want to protect our children from honest citizens. (sarcasm) Rwanda 1994, 800,000 people killed after law 12 implemented; law states, owners must justify the need- government has confiscating powers.
The second amendment is keeping America and its families safe. Other countries fear invading America, because everyone packing heat will shoot. Not our military, which is still awesome, but our MILITIA keeps America safe. California needs a cruel awakening to their ignorance. Who is in favor of cutting federal funding to this whiny state? I am; only for a few months. America owes its freedom to our military and second amendment!
(all references and relating material are linked throughout the blog)
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