Rosie O'Donnell is a communist! "Seize their assets today, take over the country, I don't care. Issue an executive order. Say BP guess what... Call it communism, call it anything you want." -Rosie O'Donnell-
Rosie, you are a disease to our society and freedom. You are asking for communism with this BP oil spill, when your beloved president had the power to regulate, stop, and minimize this incident. WHERE ARE YOUR COMMENTS ON THIS MATTER, ROSIE! Don't pretend you wouldn't create a Rosie Rampage if George Bush was in office when this happened. You would fly off the handle declaring impeachment from the roof tops. You are a cancer to this country!
We need to remember the communist problem we had in America. Declaring communism 30-40 years ago, would get you run out on a rail and butchered in public. Communism was a cancer to our country, and we had deep infestation; infestation leading to the WHITE HOUSE! In case you forgot or you are too young to remember, this was when McCarthyism became a Hollywood household name. The liberals want you to believe McCarthy was a crazy old man using opinion to butcher politicians reputation. However, when America cracked the Russian coding in the 90's, it confirmed most politicians accused. McCarthy was an American spy in COMMUNIST RUSSIA!
Franklin D Roosevelt bumped elbows with many communists and those supporting communist ideas. This lead to many communist spy's in our government; Barack has a mentor with a known communist connection... Is it really a big surprised our government has a 70 percent control on America and its business? He did this in 18 months! Obama wants full government control, and he is getting the media on his side! Where is the media on Obama's communist mentors? Where is the media on Rosie's call for communism? Where is the media on ANYTHING pertaining to Barack's socialistic ideas?
I will close with a Comment by Barack Obama, "To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists."
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