We have a very trained and masterful president on our hands. His ability to manipulate the media is amazing, and I must commend him. He is able to control the BP spill to work in his favor, discourage the media and dodge criminal investigations for bribery. Furthermore, his recent cursing in the media is taking up more media time than many of the most important issues.
I have come to the conclusion that Barack's use of profanity in his recent speech, was very much on purpose and used to cause a mini media blind. I can find multiple articles on the recent profanity, but I must search for articles related to his bribery allegations. His media flattery is remarkable and anyone looking to learn the art of manipulation, should read Barack's work.
It is imperative we follow the actions of our president and not the words spewed from his lying mouth. He is trained in the manipulating political world known as Chicago politics. He was mentored by many Marxist professors, and mentored through his early life from a known communist. Obama is a MISLEADER! Obama and Chris Angel should have a meeting and exchange tricks; maybe Obama will make a elephant appear on the white house roof?
I am not fooled by your shenanigans Obama. Our country is full of bright and intelligent people longing for the truth; you will not prevail in a socialist society. We the people will stop your tyranny and manipulation. I have faith in America; I have faith in capitalism.
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In my experience bright and intelligent people are hard to find. The majority of people are not looking for truth, rather the first idea endowed with enough superficial persuasiveness to allow them to sound intelligent as they belt their opinions to would-be apologists. Along those lines, I would hardly say our country is "full" of the former.
Can you guess which WSU student this is?
My instincts lead me to believe it is someone on the billiards team haha
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