Have you ever questioned the content of popular media? I do, and it is amazing the things we miss because of their bias and chosen allegiance. I am talking about ALL major news stations, Fox included. During the presidential election, president Obama had the full attention of the media in a positive manner. It seemed this guy could do no wrong, yet most conservatives aren't surprised by the recent bribery, lies, and corruption. I don't like to sound like a conspiracy theorist; however, do you see this in the poplar news?
After the republicans lost the 2008 elections to Barack Hussein Obama, a gentleman named John Ziegler published a documentary, "How Obama Got Elected". This documentary covered many voters in favor of Barack, and their extreme lack for truth. Most individuals got their news from MSNBC, Saturday Night Live, NBC, CBS, and FOX. HOW IS SNL A POSSIBLE NEWS CHOICE! People actually considered the information on Saturday Night Live to be reputable. WHAT THE HELL? We need twelve year old kids reading the facts to suggest further investigation from our fellow Americans.
I would love to cover all the material in this short segment, but I will let you watch it and make that judgment.
Did you finish yet? SEE, isn't it crazy what the American people are following, or not following! It would seem the best method for Presidential election is bribe the people with a fantasy of unlimited government funds, create silly characters of the opponents on SNL, and pretend as if MSNBC is always covering the real story. It is easy to see how the liberals are gaining popular support for major government control; bankrupt our economy and kill the entrepreneur. We need less government and more individual rights!
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