I don't think CBS is completely liberal, but they are more on the left of the medial dial than I care to see. I realize I cannot ask for our current news stations to stay neutral, but as long as they are going to take sides; I am going to limit the amount of news I intake from them.
CBS conducted a survey on Nancy Pelosi's rating with viewers. I wasn't shocked to see their viewers were at a 52 percent uninformed rate (undecided), but I was shocked to see the informed viewers had Nancy Pelosi rated, with the remaining 48 percent, 37 percent unfavored. I was very much excited to see these results. This woman has lost touch with the will and wants of American voters. Nobody, that pays attention, likes you Pelosi! Her last blunder had my blood pressure through the roof, and I am 26 years old.
Nanci Pelosi told Christian leaders, "Preaching amnesty in our church is a manifestation of us living the gospel." Is the devil allowed to advise Christian leaders on their sermons? HOW DARE YOU INVOLVE RELIGION IN OUR STATE AFFAIRS! I swear there is a rule against this somewhere (sarcastically toned). I get it Pelosi, 14.2 million Hispanic Americans are Christian, and you need their voice. Amnesty is not the answer the American people want; 67 percent of Americans want better boarder control, and 45 percent of LIBERALS disagree with amnesty. Wait... 45 percent of Liberals disagree...with amnesty? This is AMAZING! This is a perfect example of our congress attending to their own agenda.
Regardless if you are for or against amnesty, the American people do not want amnesty. We do not want our laws tossed aside because you (Federal Gov) won't do your job. Our government is in shambles; our government doesn't think the American people will take this power away. We need to prove them wrong. America, we need to clean house (literally). What do you think?
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